Front End Web Developer

in this course, you’ll get a taste of some common production environments and tools that you will likely come across in a front end developer role. You will be building a web tool that allows users to run Natural Language Processing (NLP) on articles or blogs found on other websites.

Course price - $ 900


Front End Web Developer

Flexible Learning

Self-paced, so you can learn on the schedule that works best for you

Estimated Time

4 Months at


basic HTML, CSS,
and JavaScript

Technical Mentor

They can provide guidance, answer your queries, keep you motivated, and assist you in achieving your goals.

A Front End Web Developer will be responsible for designing and developing the user interface of a website, using languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Their main focus is on creating user-friendly designs that are visually appealing and easy to use. If you want to create a website that will stand out and provide a great user experience, hiring a skilled Front End Developer is essential. They stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends, ensuring that your website is responsive and can be viewed on any device. By employing a skilled Front End Web Developer, you can rest assured that your website will be modern, efficient, and easy to use for everyone.

Course 1: CSS & Website Layout

For your first project, you’ll create a multi-page blog website, using best practices for content and page
styling with HTML and CSS. You’ll practice using responsive layouts, Flexbox, and CSS Grid to create the
structure and design for your own blog.

Styled Blog Website

In this project you will code a fixed-wing aircraft, and then
implement solutions to a significantly more challenging control


Introduction to HTML:

  • Create a programming project with a code editor
  • Construct nested websites with HTML tags and elements
  • Troubleshoot and debug HTML errors and bugs

Introduction to CSS:

  • Style website components by ID, class and type
  • Connect CSS to a website
  • Position and display website elements
  • Modify and control website typography

Introducing Flexbox:

  • Control web elements orientation and layout with Flexbox
  • Control ordering of web elements with Flexbox
  • Align and justify web elements with Flexbox

CSS Grid:

  • Compare and contrast the use cases for CSS Grid and Flexbox
  • Structure the layout of a web page using grid columns and rows

Course 2: JavaScript and the DOM

Use JavaScript to control a webpage. Learn what the Document Object Model (DOM) is, and use JavaScript
and the DOM to dictate page content and interactions. Gain experience working with Browser Events and
managing website performance by controlling content creation efficiently.

Dynamic Landing Page for Marketing Content

In this project, you will build a multi-section landing page. Often
times, you won’t know how much content will be added to a page
through a Content Management System (CSM) or an API. To handle
this problem, you will dynamically add content to a web page. You’ll
be building a landing page that combines your skills with JavaScript,
HTML, and CSS to update and control the page and create a dynamic
user experience.



  • Declare block-scoped variables using let and const
  • Format JavaScript strings using template literals
  • Manage arrays and objects using JavaScript destructuring syntax

The Document Object Model:

  • Describe and explain the Document Object Model for web browsers
  • Access page elements by ID, class, and type using JavaScript

Creating Content With JavaScript:

  • Modify HTML content with JavaScript
  • Create HTML content and elements with JavaScript
  • Remove HTML content with JavaScript
  • Style HTML content with JavaScript and CSS

Working With Browser Events:

  • Describe and explain the phases of browser events
  • Create event listeners that handle browser events by writing code that runs when an event is triggered

Course 3: Web APIs and Asynchronous Applications

Weather Journal

In this project, you will build a multi-section landing page. Often
times, you won’t know how much content will be added to a page
through a Content Management System (CSM) or an API. To handle
this problem, you will dynamically add content to a web page. You’ll
be building a landing page that combines your skills with JavaScript,
HTML, and CSS to update and control the page and create a dynamic
user experience.


Node & Express Environment:

  • Set up a Node and Express environment to develop a web application on your local machine
  • Install JavaScript packages using npm (Node Package Manager)
  • Setup and run a local development server
  • Manage web application file structure and website assets using Express

HTTP Requests & Routes:

  • Handle requests to an Express with routes
  • Describe and explain the differences between GET and POST requests
  • Build a web server and use it to serve data and responses to web requests

Asynchronous JavaScript:

  • Manage asynchronous JavaScript control flow with Promises
  • Request data from a server using JavaScript Fetch
  • Update and modify website elements dynamically using asynchronously retrieved data

Course 4: Build Tools, Webpack, and Service Worker

Develop an understanding of how to use build tools, such as Webpack, for automating build tasks. Create CSS
variables with Sass and configure Webpack to use Sass controlled stylesheets. Learn how to cache server data
and website functionality using Service Worker.

Course Project :Front End Web Developer Nanodegree Program Capstone

In the final project, you’ll combine all of the skills you’ve developed
throughout the Nanodegree program to build an online travel app.
You’ll work with data sources from multiple APIs to create a dynamic
travel weather planning application that helps people plan trips by
generating weather forecasts for the places they’re visiting.
You’ll pull together all of the JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and build tool
skills and knowledge you’ve gained to create this application. The
design is up to you, and you’ll have the flexibility to include and
combine other APIs (even your own!) to build this final project.


Intro to Build Tools:

  • Describe and explain the problems solved by using automated build tools
  • Inspect and analyze the activity that occurs when loading a web page in a browser
  • Describe and explain what Webpack is and how it can be used

Basics of Webpack:

  • Install Webpack to a computer
  • Configure webpack for automating build tasks
  • Define an entry point for a webpack bundle

Sass and Webpack:

  • Describe and explain the benefits and use cases for Sass
  • Create CSS variables with Sass
  • Extend and nest CSS sheets and classes with Sass
  • Configure Webpack to use Sass controlled stylesheets

Final Touches:

  • Control variable and function scope with JavaScript IIFEs (Immediately Invoked Function Expressions)
  • Optimize an application build pipeline with Webpack
  • Cache server data and websites functionality using Service Worker

Our Classroom Experience


Build your skills through industry-relevant projects. Get personalized feedback from our network of 900+ project reviewers. 


Search questions asked by other students, connect with technical mentors, and discover in real-time how to solve the challenges that you encounter.


See your code in action. Check the output and quality of your code by running them on workspaces that are a part of our classroom.


Check your understanding of concepts learned in the program by answering simple and auto-graded quizzes.


Create a custom study plan to suit your personal needs and use this plan to keep track of your progress toward your goal.


Stay on track to complete your Nanodegree program with useful milestone reminders.

Contact us

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  • +1 (252) 400-1580